
Here at the Portland Gear Hub we’re all about equipping you with the knowledge you need to have as much fun as possible in the outdoors! All of our classes and workshops are taught by our team of friendly and professional mechanics and educators. Learn new skills in a fun and inclusive environment.

We keep class sizes small to maximize learning and detailed instruction catered to each student’s needs. Classes fill up quickly! To hear about new classes, sign up for the newsletter here and follow us on Instagram @portlandgearhub.

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If when you click the above link, classes are not showing up, we’ve probably sold out. To be put on a waitlist, send us an email to

Be Your Own Bike Mechanic

Be Your Own Bike Mechanic is a 12 hour long, 4-week course at our Bike School. Students will work on their on bicycle, learning about all aspects of their bike, from the quick releases to the headset. Students will build confidence to tackle bike projects on their own, learn the anatomy and nuances of their bikes, and be able to identify mechanical problems.

Be A Bike Mechanic

Be A Bike Mechanic is a 10 hour long, 4-week course at our Bike School. Students will work on Portland Gear Hub bicycles that will then be donated through our programs. Throughout the class students will learn fundamental mechanical skills that apply to many common bikes, from adjusting V-brakes through to indexing gears and adjusting bearings.

Bike CPR

Over a single 2 hour session, our Bike CPR class will cover common mechanical issues one might encounter while out on a ride. By the end of the class, students will know how to put together a basic tool kit, how the various parts of the bike work together, how to repair a flat tire, how to re-install a dropped chain, and when you should call someone to be picked up!