Snow Day

Monday, 12/12

Last night when I got home from my weekly Dungeons & Dragons game, I looked up at the moon. The sky was hazy and warm, the round moon barely visible. The thought of imminent snow filled my head and made me swoon. I love the snow.

I woke briefly around 4 to gaze out the window. I lost myself in the soft glow of the pink sky. Ethereal, I thought.

This is what the other side looks like.

Hours and hours later, I sipped a second cup of coffee and swapped out the tires on my winter bike. A smile filled my face and my heart warmed.

Here I am, safe and warm at the Portland Gear Hub, having a snack and some coffee and letting my thoughts spill out. I gaze out at the small mountains of snow in the parking lot, the bar trees beneath a gentle grey sky. O! Portland Gear Hub. Thank you, I think to myself. As soon as we opened the doors, we had a couple come in for cross country ski boots. Within the next forty minutes, we had two more people buy skis or boots and a phone call regarding skis. We had a father and his seven year old son try on ice skates. And I found the most amazing winter jacket! Portland is gearing up for a snowy winter.

I talked with the boy who tried on ice skates.

“Do you have a snow day today?”

“Yeah! No school! I’m going to build a snowman!”

I hope he does. Maine in the winter is a special place. It is beautiful and mysterious and full of the promise of adventure. I love it. I can’t wait to get out there on my bicycle and find out what is in store for me.
